In celebration of all the mothers, daughters, wives and women in general, I would like to say happy women's day to every female that has worked hard and endeavoured to show the world that we will not be put in a box or limited in achieving what God has destined for us.
To all the women in the world, I urge you to know your value here on earth, know that you are beautiful, wonderful and that you can achieve whatever you want to in life. Happy women's day to us all.
Monday, 9 March 2015
Happy Women's Day
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Substantial woman of the week- Zuriel Oduwole
Zuriel is a 12 year old American girl of Nigerian and Mauritian heritage who has taking up the idea of being an inspiration to young girls around the world. She wants them to dream bigger.
As a film maker, Zuriel has produced documentaries like: A promising Africa, Educating and Healing Africa out of Poverty and others, to help young African girls get education.
At age ten, she became the youngest person to be interviewed by Forbes Magazine and today is known as the most influencial child in Africa.
She has also interviewed African presidents and prime ministers and other notable figures in the world like Venus and Serena Williams, Aliko Dangote, Jesse Jackson, to mention a few.
Steps to Making A Good First Impression ( Part one)
Here are a few steps to guide you in making a good first impression:
Be Positive
A positive attitude will most of the time make everything around you be positive. Positive mind set will keep you in a good mood and thus you end up emitting positive vibe and energy to the one person you are meeting for the first time.
Don't go out condemning yourself and help the person create a wrong impression about you.
Being a true Christian from Michelle Hammond
Grammy Wars
Posted on February 10, 2015 by Michelle McKinney Hammond
Much has been said about Beyonce singing “Precious Lord” at
the Grammys, My take is basic. Ledisi sang the song in the
movie and should have sung it on the Grammys, it has nothing
to do with what Beyonce has sung before or any of that. She
posted an explanation for why she wanted to sing the song but
totally disregarded that she robbed someone else of a moment
that she has already had. The height of Girl Power is unselfish
support of other women, especially if you have already made it
where they are trying to go.
I think Beyonce is extremely talented, gifted, amazingly
beautiful and probably a very sweet person. I think she has
gone through a lot, maintained her sweetness and flawless
image and I am a fan. However I am deepy disappointed that
she does not guard her own gifting more closely or realize who
she really is. She is far above the level of most of the singers
today and yet she compromises her standards in a way that
threatens to erode her legacy in years to come. She can
actually really sing, therefore she does not have to lower
herself to raunchy standards. She giftings put her in line to be
an icon. She should be on the level of a Diana Ross and other
legends, therefore she should retain a class act.
Only those who don’t really have the chops and sing like her
need to resort to questionable lyrics and videos to get noticed,
she is not of that caliber. It ruins her witness as a Christian
and makes others question her commitment to God. God has
standards and those who identify with Him are responsible for
representing Him in a way that does not make us wonder if
you really know Jesus.
I am not impressed with people praying before doing a show,
that means nothing if your life does not align with your
prayers. Jesus said many would say Lord, Lord we cast out
demons in your name and He would say “I never knew you.”
So no I don’t mind if Beyonce sings gospel or secular. I just
want her to know her value and maintain standards that will
solidify her legacy and not make people question if she really
knows God or not. The Word says blessings and cursing cannot
proceed from the same fountain. It is time for those who call
themselves Christians to be more careful. Our lives are the only
Bible some people read and the world knows what knowing
God should look like even if they don’t want to live it
themselves. Saying God knows your heart is old and tired. He
does not compartmentalize our intentions from our actions. As
a Man or Woman thinks in her heart so is she, so there is no
separation. What everyone wants is Gods approval and
anointing on what we do. Don’ t forget the devil will anoint
also, in order to bind, deceive and destroy you. Don’t be lulled
into thinking every success is God’s blessing. Every good thing
is not God. We need to stop worshipping people who can’t help
but disappoint and center all that worship on God who never
disappoints. If we defended the cause of Christ the way we do
stars we adore it would take Christianity to a whole different
level where an impact would be felt on the world!
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Substantial Woman of the week - Oprah Winfrey
Who she is
Her Life
Qoutes from Oprah Winfrey
Did you know?
Life Lessons
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Happy new year
Thank you all for 2014 and God bless you for 2015. Big kisses, stay happy.