Monday 13 June 2016

Monday Motivation from Michelle Obama

Surround yourself with good people that won't weigh you down.

Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts … good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt. They’re not painful. That’s not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends that you choose. It’s with the people you surround yourselves with. —Michelle Obama

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Friday 10 June 2016

Four Necessities to having a better relationship

These are four necessary factors you need to make your relationship better.

As humans, we are social beings. We  must interact with one another to attain certain goals on a daily basis. So that even when one tries to isolate oneself from others, and limit communication to none, it's a task bound to be immensely difficult to achieve.
We must come in contact with other people, whether in  the office, school, religious or social  gatherings,  or even the market place
We interact with people, and most times, form some kind of relationship with them. 
And in other to live or work well with these people we have formed relationships with, here are four necessities I have garnered :

1. Communication 
This is the first and most important thing you need to have a better relationship with others.  Relationships without proper communication are often filled with too much unstated emotions and feelings.
And the fact that everyone has opinions and feelings about things, stamps the need of adequate communication and expression of thoughts. Keeping mute most times automatically means that you agree with whatever is going on around you as people don't work around with mind reading xrays on their heads.  So if you feel a certain way about something or someone's actions, please try speak up.
And always remember to speak with wisdom and make sure your words when commucating, are not hurtful, rude or offensive.

2. Understanding 
The second necessity, is to understand others. Whether it's your child, spouse or colleague  at work, if you want to have a better relationship with them, you must first try to understand where they are coming from (their point of view).
Put yourself in their shoes before you decide to challenge  or judge their decisions or actions as it will go a long way, to ensuring a longer lasting healthy relationship.

Most people, fail to do this and instead, hurriedly react to what is in front of them without knowing the reasons behind such actions.
So, always make it an obligation to understand other people's views and ideals about life and whatever is in front of them before you jump into the wrong conclusions.
Getting a better insight as to why a person is acting a certain way, will help you in taking the appropriate approach to solving a problem.

3. Respect 
After you have understood a person, please throw in a little bit of respect for them.
Respect, is something that everybody wants.
We all want to feel and know that we are not deemed worthless or useless. We want our voices or actions to matter and stepping on other people's ego, is an automatic way, of having the most unhealthy relationship.

Respect people's personalities, ideals religion, their faith (even though you don't believe) and even when  you want them to see things from your own perspective, respectfully communicate your thoughts to them.

4. Compromise
This is the fourth and last one here.
We all can't always get want we want, when we want it all the time.  You can't always win at the detriment of others all the time. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes you just have to let go, to have  peace.

Everybody is different and my way of doing things may not be familiar with you but that doesn't mean we can't work or be together. We just need to know when to compromise.
By opening yourself up to compromise, you learn new things, engage in new ideas and foster better relationships.
Remember also, that compromising, works two ways. Do not compromise on your truth. You might bend or adjust to certain things people do, but never compromise on what makes you YOU.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Serena Williams - Forbes highest paid female Athlete


According to a new list compiled by Forbes, the 34 years old Tennis Star, is the new highest paid female athlete in the world with a salary earning of $8.9m and endorsments of $20m which sums up to $28.9m thereby beating Maria  Sharapova who had been holding that title for eleven years. Maria comes in second with a total of $21.9m. Serena and Maria are the only women on the Forbes 100 list of highest paid athletes, the remaining 98 being men.

This makes Serena  the highest paid athlete in the female category and #40 highest paid Athlete in the world.

Pic source:

Visit  for the full list of highest earning athletes in the world.