Monday 6 June 2016

Meet the Military Commander Miss USA 2016

The just concluded Miss USA pageant brought to the limelight a very amazing young woman of 26 years - Deshauna Barber. She won the contest not only with her beauty, but with her brains and love for her country as she is a military commander in the United States Army.
picture source:deshaunabarberfans@instagram

This is what she thinks about being CONFIDENTLY BEAUTIFUL when asked by the judges  of the pageant :

Picture source:missusa@instagram

"To me confidently beautiful means understanding. Its not always about your appearance. It’s not always about who you are around and how they feel you look, where they feel you come from or your economic background. Serving in the military has taught me that being confidently beautiful is about being able to earn respect from people regardless of what you look like. As a woman in the military, people associate beauty with weakness and they learn very quickly that I’m extremely strong, and though I’m small, I’m powerful. Confidently beautiful is being myself and being very happy with who I’ve become."

What young girls should learn from her, is that being pretty is not enough. Women are worth more than a pretty face and a nice body.  Our mind is what is important, if we truly want to change the world for good.

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