Tuesday 7 June 2016

Current female world leaders(Presidents and Prime Ministers)

Presently in world, there are 10 female prime ministers, 10 presidents and 1 Chancellor amongst their male counterparts, in  the 196 countries.
Making a total of 21 female leaders of developed and under developed nations in the world.

Female world leaders have always existed and have shown strength and courage in leading their countries to greater heights. And apart from the great monarchs like the Queens of England, scotland, etc,  who were born into royalty and thrust into leadership positions (although majority now perform only ceremonial duties), quite a number of women have been either appointed or elected by ordinary citizens, as presidents and prime ministers.

Here are six notable Female world leaders we have today:

   Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - President of Liberia
   From Jan 16 2006 - present

     Park Geun-hye - President of South Korea
     From Feb 29 2013 - present

        Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany
        From Nov 22 2005- present

Sheikh Hasina Wajed - Prime Minister of Bangladesh
From Jan 6 2009 - present

Portia Simpson Miller- Prime Minister of Jamaica 
From Jan 5 2012 - present 

Catherine Samba-Panda - President of Central African Republic 
From Jan 23 2014 - present 

The other countries with current female presidents and prime ministers are: 

Trinidad and Tobago, Kosovo, Denmark,Slovenia , Cyprus (North), Senagal, Norway, Latvia,Chile, Malta, Lithuania, Poland, Switzerland, Croatia and Brazil(although she isn't functioning now due to ongoing impeachment trial).

Source: rulers.org 


  1. Hopefully Hillary will join the group, soonest.

  2. Yeah hopefully she will. And she'll make history.
