Tuesday 21 October 2014

The virtuous woman (proverbs 31)

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."(pro 31:10)
The bible extentively brings to our knowledge all the attributes or a virtuous woman. From the fact that she is trust worthy and good, industrious and hardworking, strong and kind, and most of all fears the lord. And because of these, she positively affects all those around her, making life a lot easier for her husband, children and other members of her household. Being like the woman in proverbs 31 should be an utmost desire for all women for want to positively impact on the lives of people and change the world for the better. I pray that may the good Lord help and direct us as we strive to be like  her and may our efforts be crowned with blessings and unending joy. Amen.

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